DEQ 9: Steven Reaume cover story

Cover Story: Steven Reaume::: Photo by Robert Guzman::: Written by Vince Patricola How many of your heroes are musicians or had something to do with music? For me, it’s a majority. As I flipped through the channels on my journey from out east back to Detroit, I heard so many of them. From James Brown…

Bethany Shorb : Well Done Goods

EMERGENCY! My eyes opened wide as I saw the huge backlit red and white EMERGENCY sign on the back wall. I had a Detroit Receiving Hospital flashback for a split second, but in reality I was a step inside artist Bethany Shorb’s Well Done Goods store. The goat, deer and ram heads adorned in black…

Delano Smith interview DEQ 8

Delano Smith interview by Kevin Reynolds. Photos by Torrence Allison KR: I had the pleasure of meeting you at Transmat maybe some fifteen years ago via Derrick May.  After you left Derrick told me that you were the original DJ.  What inspired you to get into DJing and producing?  I’m sure at the time you…

Drake Phifer Interview

Written by LaVell Williams. Photo by Linda Kubit   DEQ Interview: Drake Phifer Written by LaVell Williams. Photo by Linda Kubit   Drake Phifer is the proprietor of the storied and successful production company Urban Organic.  We recently sat down over brunch at Brooklyn Local in Corktown for a conversation about his history, the story…

Click here for DEQ #8 layout

DEQ No.8 WEB (here is the link) DEQ 8. Get a physical copy with LP combined at a record store or web shop near you. Locally in Detroit: Detroit Threads, Peoples Records, Hello Records, Paramita Sound, Found Sounds, Detroit Mercantile and more to come. Juno, Pacific Beach and more on line… ::::::: Interviews with Archer Record Pressing,…

Click here for DEQ Magazine #7 !

DEQ 7 May (Here is the link!!!:::::)Thanks for your interest in Detroit Electronic Quarterly! The DEQ 7 Test May link (above) contains all the great artwork & layout completed by Blair French (Fat Finger Cosmic)! Many thanks to our staff photographers, writers, and advertisers. This will be available in print May 27 during the Movement Festival. The vinyl…