DEQ 18: Percussionist Daryl Stewart Interview

Writing and photos by Vince Patricola (grainy photo of Daryl Stewart digging the sounds of DJ Craig Huckaby) This is a story of life.   Daryl Stewart is a percussionist, an entertainer, an embodiment of Detroit funk, a dreamer, a promoter, a fighter, a Bohemian, an uncontainable spirit. The rhythm of drums run so coarsely…


Quick Catch Up #11 With DJ Norm Talley

Quick Catch Up #11: Norm Talley, photos by Marie Staggat   I caught up with Detroit staple producer, remixer DJ Norm Talley, of all places, the (Corktown) Post Office a few weeks back. When you say Detroit, Norm’s name so often comes to the forefront with those trippy, pummeling, journey laced DJ sets and tracks…
