Quick Catch Up #17 with Kevin Reynolds

Quick Catch Up #17 with Kevin Reynolds. Photos by Suzy Reynolds It’s always a pleasure to catch up with our good friend, live p.a. master (not a DJ), mentor, gear nerd, music guru, stage manager, elite storyteller, hard line Detroiter Kevin Reynolds.  It’s tough to be quick with him for sure as he’s always got…


DEQ 11 Interview: Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson Article: by Vince Patricola: Photos by Dan Haddad (from May, 2018)   Writing articles on people is rarely easy, especially if they are somewhat secretive and very studious.  I always thought my timing was bad while communicating with DJ/Producer Eric Johnson. More times than not (at various times of the day or night)…


Quick Catch Up #16 with Blair French

Blair French, for those who don’t know is a jack of all trades and a master of them as well! He’s producing and editing videos, visual art (he is the designer of DEQ Magazine), DJing along with making and mastering tracks! His ravenous appetite for learning all these technologies fueled by passion helped him to…


DEQ Catch Up #15 With DEQ’s Founder DJ Vincent Patricola on his Paxahau Twitch Stream Weds (Mar 24th) and DJ’ing Experiences.

DEQ Catch Up #15 With DEQ’s Founder Vincent Patricola on his Paxahau Twitch Stream Weds (Mar 24th) and DJ’ing  Experiences.   Riding the wave like most of us out here in the music world, Detroit Electronic Quarterly (DEQ) Music Magazine’s founder, DJ Vince Patricola has been making the most of it.   With a limited…
